Lynda Monick-Isenberg

Lynda Monick-Isenberg
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Collage, Drawing, Fiber Arts, Mixed Media, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture
After School Program, Assisted Living, Arts/Cultural Organizations, College/University, Community Center, Independent Living, K-12 Schools, Senior Center

Lynda Monick-Isenberg is a drawer and fiber artist exhibiting and commissioned nationally. A professor and former Acting Fine Arts Chair at Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD), Lynda teaches Foundation Drawing, MFA Teaching Seminar/Practicum and coordinates and teaches courses for MCAD's unique Teaching Artist minor. In addition, she is an arts education consultant to educators, schools, and communities with a focus on arts integration across all ages and communities. In 2019 she will be working with COMPAS, EngAGE Heartland, Catholic Charities and Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Lynda’s teaching and leadership experiences include work as Professor, Foundation Chair and Teaching Artist Program Director at the College of Visual Art, adjunct faculty at Hamline University's Graduate School of Education, University of Minnesota-Design, Housing and Apparel. She has overseen and participated in hundreds of K-12 teaching residencies, led professional development art workshops for teachers across disciplines continuing to work as a Teaching Artist in arts residencies with traditional and special needs populations ages 4-90. Lynda was the author of the Minneapolis Schools Arts for Academic Achievement Observational Drawing curriculum and continues to develop curriculum for all interested in drawing as a personal practice and an artform. She co-directs The Drawing Project, a community-based roving drawing experience in the Twin Cities, is a founding member of Minneapolis's Form+Content Gallery and The Jewish Woman’s Artist Circle, a former facilitator of the Jewish Artist Lab and an active member of the Twin Cities creative community.

This video from PBS Next Avenue clearly portrays my interest, love and passion for this work: But if this is not a hot link let me share that the work I have been honoured to participate the past two years as we have investigated working in the communities teaching drawing with a focus on creative ageing. These communities have offered me a way to have meaningful and important relationships with others outside my own community, to teach what I know and have worked a lifetime to understand, to support and assist the development of the creative experience of others and to learn from them. The older adults in my courses have in many ways become my life instructors and I have repaid them by helping them value their own experience, creativity and curiosity through the act of drawing, of seeing and understanding -- a learned skill; not a talent. "I have learned that what I have not drawn, I have never really seen, and that when I start drawing an ordinary thing, I realize how extraordinary it is, sheer miracle." -Frederick Franck