Tag: dave johnson

Myriad Ways to Tap Older Adults’ Creativity and Combat Social Isolation

An older adult sewist creates surgical gowns for local hospitals in Baton Rouge.

While our campaign, “Connect Through Creativity Now,” highlights teaching artists, arts and service organizations working within the traditional Creative Aging model (sequential learning, skill-building, social-engagement) while stay-at-home orders prohibit in-person social gatherings, there are a number of other efforts emerging that warrant mention. Below are several examples of others working outside the traditional model, who …

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NPR’s Ina Jaffe Covers Lifetime Arts Programming for All Things Considered

Two of our master teaching artists, Lauren Jost and Dave Johnson are co-teaching a memoir class titled “I Know a Thing or Two”, at the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. The sessions are well attended with participants sharing their experiences and diverse backgrounds as the impetus for their stories. Lifetime Arts’ work in …

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The Importance of Teaching Artists

At the center of a truly great Creative Aging program is the teaching artist. They are the boots on the ground, who are teaching new skills to curious minds and turning a group of strangers into lifelong friends. Teaching artists make the learning fun and engaging, and they accomplish all of this with a sense …

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