Peyton Scott Russell

Peyton Scott Russell
Minnesota, USA
Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting
Arts/Cultural Organizations

Born in Minneapolis, MN. Peyton’s earliest memories as a child were making art and being creative. This continued into high school where he discovered graffiti art from the film Style Wars in 1984. This consumed his art interest.


A portfolio of traditional art and graffiti influenced works helped earn acceptance into the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago (SAIC). Graduating in 1991, Peyton became a professional artist and teaching artist by founding organizations like House of Daskarone, Juxtaposition Arts, and Art House Education.


As a Bush Fellowship recipient, 2012-14, Peyton formed SPRAYFINGER. This is a program used for teaching, Graffiti: The Art of Creative Lettering, to youth, adults, seniors and the community at large.


Peyton’s focus is to increase the awareness of graffiti as a teachable art form by teaching, doing more community events, exhibitions and writing grants.


Primary Artform:

Fine visual arts. Aerosol Painting, Screen Printing , and Mixed Media


Social Media:

Facebook @Peyton Scott Russell

The opportunity to teach and share with people of all ages, nationalities, class, and demographics has always been a high interest of mine. While working with Intermedia Arts, I headed the Gen Arts program. This was a cross-generational collaborative project where middle and high school youth partnered with older adults 65+ years of age. I conducted summer workshops for 4 years until the close of Intermedia Arts. I was invited to teach a graffiti program at MIA for 65+ older adults. I was delighted to do so. This was another opportunity for me to teach and spread the important aspects of graffiti as a fine art.