Paul McMillan

Paul McMillan
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I'm given to understand that having previously taught a liftimearts class art class at Wilkinsburg, Public Library that this part was waived but, no matter It is my privilege to submit:: here below is the curriculum offered for that class. Additionally here is a link to my resume on my website. Thank you in advance for any considerations. 2015 Instructor: Oil Painting: --Wilkinsburg Public Library, Pittsburgh, PA. --Creative Aging in America's Libraries (The mission of Lifetime Arts is to encourage creative aging by promoting the inclusion of professional arts programs in organizations that serve older adults). --Instruction in oil painting, 8 weeks, 2 hours weekly. --Complete oil painting, assist class particapants with their choice of subject. --Demonstrate and assist in learning oil painting techniques. --16 students over 50, many who never painted. --Celebrating expression in a painted medium!
Learning is the most beautiful of human traits and is what helps everyone share in the human experience of knowledge and heart-full expression in the common good of everyone both young and old. I am now nearly sixty two and feel as though I have arrived here with something of value from what I have learned and thus recognize that learning is the dawn of a wonderful day for us older adults just like it is for younger adults or, as they say, "for children of all ages". One thing I have learned is that a ninety year old person can upon being given the opportunity to learn can certainly blossom with a bounty of creative expression both in craft and spirit that I believe and hope ultimately rewards our community and touches us all as demonstrated in the learning process and resultant sharing by "older adults" in our culturally diverse community / s such as the Wilkinsburg Public Library makes available to us all both young and old alike. Yes I do believe that learning never stops as you blossom with age!