Richard Manichello

Richard Manichello
Peekskill, NY, USA
Fiction, Playwriting, Screenwriting, Dance/Movement, Acting, Media Arts
English, Italian
College/University, Community Center, Library
DGA (Directors Guild of America) WGA (Writers Guild)

Memoir Monologues: Page To Stage (Hart Library, Somers, NY) Composition and staging of personal, historical memoir monologues for senior members of a 6-week course. Final performance program.
I taught for two years at Sing Sing Penitentiary(Correctional Facility). Inmates of all kinds and with varying degrees of sentence were my most enthusiastic students, ever. There is a great hunger among the incarcerated to learn what no one has ever offered them: honest education. There is a great need for teaching prisoners even the most basic communications skills. None of your institution categories recognizes the penitentiary. I checked "long term rehabilitation" in lieu.